Our Blog

Siding Repair: Just the Affected Section or as a Whole?

Siding is an integral part of your home, in both aesthetics and purpose. It provides your home with protection against external elements such as rain, wind, ice and snow, helps with energy efficiency, and improves the overall aesthetics of your property! Though, they aren’t permanent fixtures. Sure, they can last for two to four decades, but in that timeframe, they 

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Good Practices: Creating Good Relationships With Roofers

Roofs are one of the most important parts of one of your major investments; your home. Smart homeowners value and maintain their roofs, as they know that replacing them can take a hefty chunk of their budgets (costing anywhere between $5,200 to $10,000) and that they also make up a significant part of their home’s structural integrity. Why is it 

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Window Replacement During Winter: Is It Okay?

The importance of windows in your home cannot be overstated. They allow for visual access to the outside world while also offering ventilation, natural light, warmth and energy efficiency. In seasons like summer and winter, energy-efficiency is very crucial. In some cases, window replacement in the winter is really useful, contrary to popular belief. Will it be okay to replace windows 

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House Wrapping: What and Why?

Most siding materials aren’t completely water-resistant, especially when it comes to wind-driven rain. In this case, house wrapping is the best way to proceed during a siding project. House wrap is a fabric, paper or board material that protects the wall structure by covering the outer sheathing of the house walls. It is used to shed water that collects behind 

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