Steps For Canton, MI Insurance Claim For Storm Damage Recovery

Hand holding large hail stone with roofing in background

When Hail Hits Your Canton, MI Home, Learn
How To Make An Insurance Claim
For Storm Damage Recovery

Understanding The Process & How
To Navigate It Could Help You Get
Damage Recovery Faster

When hail hits your home, you could find yourself facing a new situation you have never dealt with: storm damage recovery in Canton, MI. While some storm damage can be corrected by you – such as downed limbs in your yard – when it comes to hail damage on your home, you need professionals.

But first, you need to see if your insurance will help pay for replacing these items damaged in your home. You pay for your insurance, which is meant to be used when needed. After a large hail storm hits the Wayne County area, the sooner you start the insurance claims process, the better your storm damage recovery will be.

So, how do you get started? Let’s look at the steps you need to take.

Step 1: Document The Hail Damage
To Your Canton, MI Home

Before making any calls, take your cell phone or camera to get some pictures of the damage the hail has caused. Whether you have a damaged roof, gutters, pelts in your siding or busted windows, this must be documented.

Take the pictures and hold onto these. While your adjuster will take their own pictures, it is always advisable to have your own copies if the insurance company needs further proof.

Step 2: Now Is The Time To Call A Roofing Contractor

When you know your roof has been damaged, you need to go ahead and call your local roofing contractor. Preferably, you want a contractor who is experienced and equipped to work with insurance claims, as they can help you through the process.

Luckily, when you call Kroll Construction, we can examine not only your roof but also your siding, windows, and gutter damage. We can also work with you and their insurance company to help speed up the claims process.

Once the contractor inspects your property, they will take pictures and document what your home needs to get back into its pre-storm shape.

Step 3: Contact Your Insurance Company

Now is the time to contact your insurance company and start the claims process on their end. You need to do this right away, if possible. The longer you wait to contact the insurance company, it could affect whether your claim is approved in a timely manner or not.

Your insurance company will send someone to look at the damage to your home. They will take pictures of the damage, ask you a few questions, and start the paperwork.

During this process, if you are working with a contractor who helps with insurance claims, they may give the adjuster a detailed report on what they have found to help substantiate your claim. A Kroll Construction representative will be present at this meeting and advocate on your behalf.

Step 4: Wait And See If Your Wayne
County Claim Is Approved

Most people don’t have claims that are approved on the same day. If you ever do, consider yourself extremely lucky!

When a storm hits the entire area, you may find that it takes weeks to get your claim approved since there are other people making an insurance claim due to the same kind of damage. That is why the sooner you start the claims process, the better off you will be!

In extreme cases, you could wait two or three months to get your claim approved. Hopefully, with the documentation from the adjuster and the contractor, you are not denied. If you are, you will need to start the process to get the denial overturned, adding more time to the process.

Step 5: Get The Storm Damage Recovery Work Started

Once your claim has been approved, you will have to pay the deductible of your policy, and your insurance company will cover the rest. The amount the insurance company pays will depend on your policy, which you can discuss with your insurance company.

The work to repair the hail damage may take a few days or longer, depending on the extent of the damage to your home. But, in the end, your home will have all signs of hail damage removed and be beautiful again!

Kroll Construction Offers Storm Damage
Recovery In Canton, MI

If hail has damaged your Canton, MI home, we’re here to help with our storm damage recovery services. We are more than happy to help you deal with your insurance and get your home back into shape.

For a free quote, call us today at 888-269-5214.

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